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Stock up on clothing marker stamps for the 2019 school year

01 Oct 2018

You’re probably just trying to keep your head above water and survive the last two-and-a-bit months of the year, but it’s worth starting to plan ahead for 2019. Come December and January when it’s time to buy the kids new uniforms and sports kit, you’ll thank us that you had your clothing marker stamps ready for action!

Our clothing marker stamps are made using a special laundry ink that is good for up to 100 washes. We currently offer black or blue ink and we’re testing a pink ink which we’re sure your little girls will love!

RubberStampSA offers discounts when 2 or more stamps are purchased at once, so this is one time when the more kids you’ve got, the less you’ll pay.

Benefits of clothing marker stamps:

  • Clothes are marked almost permanently, durable for 100 washes up to 90 degrees celsius.
  • Chances of uniforms, expensive sports kit, towels or linens going missing or being stolen are significantly reduced.
  • Can be used again

Who are clothing markers useful for:

School and university students

Many primary schools insist on uniforms and sports kit being clearly labeled with pupils names, deterring theft and increasing the likelihood of lost items being returned to the child. University students may find it useful to use clothing marker stamps on their clothing, linen and towels if they are staying in a digs or res to prevent their belongings going missing when doing laundry.

Sports teams

Adults aren’t immune to losing their belongings! If you’re forking out cash for an expensive team uniform, it might be worth labelling your kit with a clothing marker stamp. This is especially useful if you’re playing away and need to use the hotel laundry.


Even wealthy people sometimes have sticky fingers, which can mean trouble for hotels with greedy guests! Theft of items such as complimentary bath towels, robes and beach towels as well as linen such as bedding and napkins, can be deterred by marking all items with “Property of Hotel X” or something similar. Our clothing marker stamps can be used on all porous fabrics.

Ready to get 2019 off to a good start? Pick the clothing marker stamps right for you here. If you run into any trouble, feel free to contact us at office@rubberstampsa.co.za.